“It comes up to come out. Let truth prevail!” – Margie Nix

I’ve never been into NY resolutions. However, there are two distinct things I’d like to do this year. I mean, there are several, but these two are truly important to me.

1 – I want to overcome my aversion to crowds outside my comfort zone. I don’t know that I’ll ever “love” or thrive among them, but I want to do better! Public ministry, on whatever level, tends to force people like me into spaces and places we’d much rather not go. Like, large, loud gatherings; parties; up front and on stage; spotlighted, at times; etc., therefore, people think we like it. Well, the truth is, for me – I’m ok once I’m there. I can flow with the flow. Thank God for His grace. This year, though, I want to come to the place where I truly don’t dread crowded streets and rooms, loud environments, and lots of people – outside my comfortable turf. Everyone’s more comfortable on their home-field, right? So, I plan to practice peace, in this area of my life, this year. IYKYK – you get me. Let’s practice together, shall we? And we’ll learn from our I-personality friends (check DiSC assessment). They’re the true “Influencers” in life: outgoing, enthusiastic, optimistic, high-spirited, and lively. (Just reading those words can make the C’s, like me, almost cringe. See comments for the at-glance-chart.)

2 – On the ending note of #1, I want to pay more attention to the ones TRULY MOST influencing, affecting, and impacting my life. I’m unfollowing (to an extent) leaders, SM “influencers”, mega groups and teams, etc. that really have no deep, rich influence and discipleship on my life. Not that I can’t still learn some things, catch a good liner here or there, or even be somewhat impacted by them, just… that… how to put it… I want to more highly value, honor, respect, and hold dear the ones who are authentically changing my life, shaping my thoughts, forming my future, and caring for my soul. I feel like I’ve been pretty good at this, but I want to do better. Here’s the rub when it comes to this, we all tend to take for granted the constants in our lives. We begin to grow accustomed to them always being there – like pieces of furniture in our home. We plop down on them without even noticing them. They’re always there, always speaking into our lives, always praying for us, loving us, and molding us, but we would only miss their presence if they were missing. I have so many reasons for this being a “resolution”. I miss my dad-in-law extra today. I miss Bishop Tony Miller extra today. And there are some others I would miss extra today if they were missing from my life. If I could go back in time, I’d shared more Larry Nix and Bishop quotes than some pastor on a massive platform that I’d never call for prayer or advice.

So, there are two of my personal desires for 2024. And, I know that desires will never become reality without actual application. Here’s to moving forward and growing in neglected or uncomfortable areas of my life!! How about you? Got any personal desires you want to work on and grow in this year? May we accomplish them by the grace of God!